Board Meeting


August 31, 2015            


The meeting was called to order by Jes Walker at 6:08 p.m.  Others present were Lenny Glover, Sara Wilson, Joy Waterbury, Kate Tyczinski, Betty Kastenschmidt, Kathy Sletten and Jean Winther.  Chrissy Michels was absent.  A motion was made by Jes and seconded by Betty to approve the minutes for July 27, 2015 and the treasurer’s report showing a balance of $10,892.09. 



1.  Meeting Night and Time:  Sara advised that it was decided at the last board meeting to return our meeting time to the first Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m.  This decision was made because of the low attendance of board members after the meeting time was changed to the last Monday of the month,    



1.   Shelving Re-arranging:  The project has been on hold for the Summer Reading Program but the table has been moved.  The kids section will be moved into the corner where the table was located.  The hooks for hanging coats will probably have to be moved.



1.  Set Cookie Walk Date:  After a discussion it was decided to set the date for the cookie walk on December 12th.  A discussion was held if we should have a raffle with the cookie walk.  It was decided to try the raffle in the spring.  It was also decided to have Mystery Boxes to raffle off at the Cookie Walk.  There will be three boxes:  one for men, one for women and one for kids.  Betty advised that she would check into getting funding from Thrivent for the library to cover our expenses for the cookie walk.   



Sara advised that the carpeting needs cleaning.  She has someone coming from the Lake Emily area to look at the project and Betty will get another name for her to contact.   


Motion by Jean and seconded by Jes to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 P.M.


Lenora Glover, Secretary


The next regular meeting will be on Monday, October 5, 2015 at 6:00 pm at the library.

Monday, August 31, 2015 - 6:00pm