Board Meeting


October 7, 2019


The board meeting was called to order by Sara Wilson at 6:05 p.m.  Others present were Julie Barden, Joy Waterbury, Lenny Glover and Kes Thompson.  Kate Tyczinski, Betty Kastenschmidt, Lorrie Jansma and Kathy Jerome were absent.  Motion by Kes and seconded by Joy to approve the previous meeting minutes.  Motion by Joy and seconded by Julie to approve the treasurer's report.  Both motions passed.    



1.  Rummage for Reading Table:  The rummage table made $78 in September and made $389 over the summer.  The table will come down for the basket fundraiser.                    

2.  Tai Chi:  Sara reported that 8 classes have been held with 36 people attending.       

3.  Budget:  Lenny advised that she will not be able to go to the Town of Marquette meeting because of a conflict.  Joy said she will try to attend the meeting.  Kes will attend the Town of Kingston and the Town of Manchester, Sara will attend the Village of Kingston and she will ask Jean Winther to attend the Village of Marquette.

4.  Conflict - Spring Fling:  Sara reported that the Spring Fling is set for April 18 and the "It's for the Birds" Silent Auction is set for April 20th to May 2nd.  After a discussion, it was decided to cancel the Spring Fling and hold the Silent Auction as planned.    



1.  Reading Room:  Sara reported that the curtains are hung in the back of the room, the coffee bar is set up and a new clock is up.       



1.  Basket Fundraiser:  Sara advised that the posters are done for the "BYOB" basket fundraiser and asked everyone to take some.

2.  Newsletter:  Sara has a newsletter to send out.  Everyone helped her edit it and it will be emailed, mailed out and put on Facebook.

3.  Computers:  The library computers have Windows 7 and will not be updated after January so we are in need of new computers.  Kes made a motion to buy up to 5 new computers at a cost of up to $1,000 each.  Joy seconded the motion and the motion passed.  Kes thanked Sara for helping to keep the library expenses under control.  



We need to vote for a new Vice President.


A motion to adjourn was made by Julie and was seconded by Joy at 6:55 p.m.


Lenora Glover, Secretary


The next regular meeting will be on Monday, November 4, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.


Monday, October 7, 2019 - 6:00pm