wilson's blog

8/25/20 Census Help Available

Need help doing your Census? Stop by the library today (Aug. 25th, 1 to 6pm), Thursday (Aug. 27th, 1 to 6pm), or Saturday (Aug. 29th, 9 to 11am) and in 10 minutes you could have it finished. The census response representatives help people complete the census on a 2020 Census tablet or on their own device, while practicing state and local social distancing protocols.

7/21/20 Summer Reading Program

Our summer reading program, “Can’t Stop Summer Fun” is going strong this year.   We had 43 take part in the fun the first week.  The book was "Elephants Guide to Hide and Seek" by Kjersten Hayes.  The story told us that elephants are great at many things...playing hide-and-seek is not one of them. The book offers sympathy, support and superior hiding solutions to elephants who long to overcome their size disadvantage when playing hide-and-seek.


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