Board Meeting


February 6, 2017


The meeting was called to order by Sara Wilson at 6:13 p.m.  Others present were Lenny Glover, Erin Witthun, Kate Tyczinski, Kes Thompson, Betty Kastenschmidt and Kathy Jerome.  Jes Walker, Jean Winther and Joy Waterbury were absent.  A motion was made by Erin and seconded by Betty to approve the minutes for January 2, 2017 and the treasurer's report showing a balance of $28,770.42.



1.  Paying Bills:  Kathy Jerome, the Village Clerk, explained how the treasurer's report will be presented in the future and answered questions about the new procedure.

2.  April Showers Fundraiser:  Kes is working on the posters for this project.

3.  Painting Class:  Betty advised that she talked to Nancy Stellmacher and she is willing to do a program for us like she did in Markesan.  She charges $5 per person.  Betty will check to see if she would be willing to do a Saturday morning program.



1.  Duct Cleaning:  Sara advised that she called Dirty Ducts Cleaning from Madison and the cost will be $2025.  After a discussion Kes made a motion to have the ducts cleaned.  Erin seconded the motion and the motion carried.  Sara will call them and ask them to come on a Friday.       




1.  Annual Report:  Sara advised that the Annual Report is completed.  She has sent two copies to Winnefox (one goes to the State) and gave a copy to the Village. 



Kes advised that there is no longer a "week for the young child" program at the school.  She thought we should have a way to get the Mill Pond Library mentioned to the teachers and children such as posters, book marks and mention of the Summer Reading Program. 


Motion by Erin and seconded by Kate to adjourn the meeting at 6:35 p.m.


Lenora Glover, Secretary


The next regular meeting will be on Monday, March 6, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at the library.       


Monday, February 6, 2017 - 6:00pm