Board Meeting

October 3, 2016
The meeting was called to order by Jes Walker at 6:15 p.m. Others present were Lenny Glover, Sara Wilson, Erin Witthun, Kate Tyczinski, Kes
Thompson and Joy Waterbury. Betty Kastenschmidt and Jean Winther were absent. A motion was made by Joy and seconded by Kate to
approve the minutes for September 6, 2016 and the treasurer’s report showing a balance of $7,762.26.
There was no old business this month.
1. Shelving Update: Sara advised that some books have been moved and one shelf is unloaded and ready to be moved. The next step is to
unload the DVD shelves and move the shelves. It was decided to meet on Friday at 12:15 p.m. to move the DVD shelves when the library is
closed. All who are able are asked to come help.
2. Called Majik Sweep: Sara advised that she has called Majik Sweep to check on having the duct work cleaned but she has not heard back
from them yet. She will try calling again.
3. Windows & Awning washed: Sara advised that the windows and the awning have been washed.
1. Budget and Town Meetings: Sara presented the 2017 budget for the library. The amounts being requested from the municipalities are the
same as last year. Kes will go to the Town of Kingston, Jean will go to the Village of Marquette, Lenny will go to the Town of Marquette and
Sara will go to the Village of Kingston.
2. Pumpkin Contest Posters: Sara advised that posters are made up for the pumpkin contest and are ready for everyone to take and put up in
the area.
1. Dinner Meetings: It was discussed if we want to have a dinner meeting occasionally like we did last month. It was agreed that all would
enjoy doing that and it was decided to have a dinner meeting on December 5.
Motion by Erin and seconded by Kate to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 P.M.
Lenora Glover, Secretary
The next regular meeting will be on Monday, November 7, 2016 at 6:00 pm at the library

Monday, October 3, 2016 - 6:00pm