Board Meeting

February 1, 2016
The meeting was called to order by Jean Winther at 6:14 p.m. Others present were Lenny Glover, Sara Wilson, Kate Tyczinski, Betty Kastenschmidt
and Kathy Sletten. Jes Walker and Joy Waterbury were absent. A motion was made by Kathy and seconded by Kate to approve the minutes for
January 4, 2016 and the treasurer’s report showing a balance of $14,078.19.

1. Shelving Re-arranging: The shelving project has still been on hold.
2. Road to the Oscars: Sara asked if someone could bring lawn chairs for the movie nights.
3. Coloring Class: Sara advised that 14 people have signed up so far. Prizes for the coloring contest will be a coloring book for 1st prize and pencils
and a sharpener for 2nd prize. Board members were asked to bring small canning jars to use for the penny jars for each picture entered in the coloring
contest. Since a snow storm is predicted for tomorrow, it was decided to set Monday, February 8 as a snow date for the coloring class if needed.
4. Pallets for painting: Kathy stated that her husband has lost his connection to get pallets. It was decided to talk to the canning factory and Alsum’s
produce and members should pick up any they might come across.
There were no building plans this month.

1. Annual Report: Sara advised that the Annual Report is finished and ready for Jes to sign. The report was reviewed by the board.

2. New Board Member: A discussion was held about whom to ask to be the new board member.

3. Businessmen’s Banquet: Sara advised that the Businessmen's Banquet will be held on February 21. They will be holding a silent auction and it
was decided that the library will donate an item for the auction.

4. Library Legislative Day: Sara advised that February 9 is Library Legislative Day and the board members are encouraged to go to Madison if they
can. If not, it is recommended that they email our representatives to tell them how important the library is.

Betty talked about holding a dabble paint night. The Princeton library is currently doing this. She will check into it more.

Motion by Betty and seconded by Kathy to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 P.M.
Lenora Glover, Secretary

Monday, February 1, 2016 - 6:00pm