Board Meeting

November 2, 2015
The meeting was called to order by Jes Walker at 6:40 p.m. after the board members helped prepare the Newsletter for mailing.
Others present were Lenny Glover, Sara Wilson, Kate Tyczinski, Betty Kastenschmidt, Joy Waterbury and Jean Winther. Kathy
Sletten and Chrissy Michels were absent. A motion was made by Kate and seconded by Betty to approve the minutes for
October 5, 2015 and the treasurer’s report showing a balance of $2,625.90.
1. Shelving Re-arranging: Sara advised that it would be nice to put two desks back to back in the middle section. She also
advised that there is more wall space that can be covered with shelving. Since some of the furniture from the back room was
moved to the young adult section, more furniture is needed for the back room. It was recommended to get more rockers. Sara
will check on prices.
2. Basket Fundraiser: Sara advised that 5 baskets have come in already. The newsletter will be mailed out tomorrow and
Sara advised that baskets are available for those who need one.
3. Cookie Walk: Betty has a $250 Visa Card from Thrivent. She will activate it tomorrow and give it to Sara. Items are
needed for the Mystery Boxes. Sara asked the board to start bringing things in. Sara advised that the posters are here for
people to take and that call sheets will need to be picked up
4. Budget Meeting Reports: Lenny, Jean and Sara reported on the municipal meetings they attended.
1. Carpet Cleaning: Sara advised that the carpet will be cleaned on November 7.
There was no New Business this month.
There were no topics from the floor.
Motion by Jean and seconded by Betty to adjourn the meeting at 7:03 P.M.
Lenora Glover, Secretary
The next regular meeting will be on Monday, December 7, 2015 at 6:00 pm at the library

Monday, November 2, 2015 - 6:00pm