Board Meeting

Sept. 2, 2014

The meeting was called to order by Jes Walker at 6:00 p.m.  Others present were Kathy Sletten, Jean Winther, Chrissy Michels, Betty Kastenschmidt, and Sara Wilson.  Joy Waterbury, Kate Tsczinski, and Lenny Glover were absent.  A motion was made by Betty and seconded by Jean to approve the minutes for Aug.4, 2014 and the treasurer’s report. 

1.  Auction Fundraiser:  The “Wanted” posters are here and available to take and put up at businesses.  The amount of food needed was decided on, and pricing, so signs could be made.  Sara had a list of businesses that had donated an item in the past and board members were asked to sign up to visit them again and ask for a donation of some kind.  Sara also reported that she bought some clay pots at a rummage sale and if anyone has plants that we could put in them for the auction they would bring a better price.  The group discussed the reason for the auction as fundraisers do better if there is a specific goal in mind. A new copy machine, library materials, and the shortfall in the budget will be the reasons this year.  Sara will re-do the letter from 7 years ago that we used for the business requests and email it to board members.  We will be having another board meeting/work night on Monday, Sept. 22 as there will not be another regular board meeting before the auction and Sara felt this was needed.  A newsletter will also be sent out.  When Sara has the newsletter ready she will send out an email so that anyone available to help can come in and do so.
2.  Kes has this set up & is doing a trial run.  She will come to the next board meeting with details for the program.  
4.  Summer Reading Program:  Sara reported that the pool party went well and that Liam Hart, 51/2 years old, won the Kindle.
1.  Rugs Cleaned:  The rugs were done on August 29. 
2.  Painting the Garage:  Jeannie will do painting on Wed. mornings when she is at the library.  Anyone available at that time is more than welcome to help.    
3.  Internet Update:  Sara advised that the update is done and we have a faster speed now.
4.  Pressure Tank:  Tank has been replaced.  No bill received yet.

1.  Copy Machine:  The copy machine is leaving a black stripe on each page that is copied.  Sara will look into a new one, and check both purchasing & leasing for the best price. 
The date for the cookie walk was set.  It will be Sat., Dec. 13th.

Motion by Jes and seconded by Betty to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 P.M.

****A meeting/work night will be held on Monday, Sept. 22, 2014 at 6pm at the library.
The next regular meeting will be on Monday, Oct. 6, 2014 at 6pm at the library.

Monday, September 22, 2014 - 6:00pm