2/11/20 .”Good for You” programs at the Library

    Want to learn something new?  Check out the programs held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 10am.  This past week we had RN Melanie Simpkins come and give a program on Better Brain Health.  Our population is aging and as we get older the risk factors for dementia increase.  There are things you can watch for.  If you are talking with someone and can’t remember a word, that’s normal.  But if you are having a hard time carrying on a conversation, that could be a sign of something wrong.  If you misplace your keys occasionally, that’s normal.  But if you can’t remember how to drive to a familiar place, that could be a sign.   A lot of things also mimic dementia by causing a decline in mental ability but are very treatable like a medication interaction, a nutritional deficiency, even sleep apnea.              

Things you can do to lessen your chances of getting dementia are:  Protect your brain from injury, maintain a consistent bedtime, no tv or screen time ½ hour before bedtime, get up and move.  If you get a phone call, get up and walk around while you are chatting.   Follow a Mediterranean diet, less meat, more fruits and vegies.  Connect with others, have a regular scheduled social activity once a week like visiting a friend or relative, or volunteering.   Melanie’s best and easiest advice to follow was if you notice a symptom, get to the doctor.  The earlier you get a diagnosis, the better your chances to handle whatever may be causing the problem.  Sometimes it may be as simple as a lifestyle change or a new medicine.  

Our next program is “Cooking for 1 or 2” with Katie Gellings, Health & Well-Being Extension Educator from the UW-Madison Division of Extension at Green Lake County.  Preparing meals for a family or friends often brings a sense of accomplishment. But eating alone or making a meal for just the 2 of you can seem like a big effort for a small reward.  Instead of saying, “Why bother? “come learn some tips and tricks to preparing healthy meals that taste great, are quick to fix, and do not produce too many leftovers that might get thrown away.  The program will be on Wednesday, Feb. 19th at 10am.  Sign up the next time you are in the library, or call and reserve your spot today at 920-394-3281.


2/4/2020 Blind Date with a Book!

   Feeling adventurous?  Looking for your next favorite book?  Stop in and go on a “Blind Date with a Book”.    You can pick a hand-wrapped book, carefully curated from a wide range of popular genres, that is tagged with intriguing clues alluding to the book inside.  Why you ask?  You may find amazing authors this way, new stories, and fresh talent.   Are you willing to take a risk? Not every blind date is going to work out but at least it’s worth a shot. You may find a stud instead of a dud.  And if you return a blind date questionnaire when you are finished with the book you can enter to win a prize!  So stop in and pick up your “Blind Date with a Book” today. 

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